The Story of LLoyd

The Story of LLoyd

Meet Lloyd, the most worldly and wise Yorkshire terrier you’ll ever encounter. Born in 2015 in the picturesque landscapes of France, Lloyd embarked on an epic journey across the globe, turning his 2.5 kg frame into a vessel of knowledge and adventure. With a back leg that tells tales of resilience, a short tail that wags with purpose, and ten daring escapes under his collar, Lloyd has truly lived a life worth barking about.

For nine years (or 63 dog years, for those keeping count), Lloyd has traversed continents, absorbing the cultures and wisdom of dogs from every corner of the world. He’s learned the art of diplomacy from Parisian poodles, mastered meditation with Tibetan mastiffs, and even discovered the secret to eternal youth from the spirited Chihuahuas of Mexico.

Now, Lloyd has returned, bringing his wealth of experience to the canine community of $Hund. His mission? To aid his brother Hund as well as share his insights and guide others with the same tenacity and curiosity that fueled his adventures. Through the creation of $Lloyd meme coins and unique NFTs, Lloyd’s teachings and escapades will be immortalized, offering a piece of his profound journey to all who seek it. Join us in celebrating Lloyd’s legacy. With every $Lloyd coin and NFT, you're not just investing in a digital asset—you're becoming part of a story that’s rich with adventure, resilience, and a dash of terrier wit. "Das Leben ist kurz, aber die Reise ist endlos"

Lloyd Mit Hund

Lloyd Mit Hund •






Born in France in 2015, Lloyd

Got that Hund in you?